Happisburgh Owls – a nice surprise

Over the Easter holidays we decided to take a drive out to Happisburgh. We’d never taken the kids there so we were long overdue a visit. As well as the eroding coastline, Happisburgh is famous for its Lighthouse, so of course we wandered over for a closer look.

On a whim we decided to walk in a circular loop towards the village instead of heading back to the beach. Near to the road that leads up to the lighthouse we happened upon Happisburgh Owls. As the title of this article says, this was a nice surprise!

Tawny Owl
Above: Tawny Owl (there are two Tawny Owls on display).

Parent’s review
My kids have always  been fascinated by owls, stopping to watch them longer than most other birds when visiting zoos. So, happening upon Happisburgh Owls was a nice surprise and the boys were most pleased to go in. I think we all fell for Arctic the Snowy Owl, though all the owls were wonderful.

There were 7 types of owl on display, as well as a few other animals (cockerels and ferrets) too. It’s set in a barn, which is nice and homely for the animals.

Kids reviews
(Luke, 11) – Nice. The owls were really nice. Nice feathers, looked like they were very healthy. Lovely plumage. That reminds me, can I see the Monty Python sketch again? “Remarkable bird, the Norwegian Blue, idn’it, ay? Beautiful plumage!….” (Oh jeez.. – Dad) .  Anyway, it was weird how they sit there staring at you, then occasionally they’ll jump off their perch, beat their wings and scare the poop out of everyone. They probably think it’s funny (well, your little brother probably will – Dad).    By the way, when I’m a teenager will you stop calling mine a “kids review”?

(Ben, 7) – The white one made me laugh! It kept pulling a funny face (he means it kept opening its beak, like in the picture at the bottom of this article – Dad) and it was looking at me like it wanted to eat me. That was funny (strange sense of humour! – Dad). I read that Owls eat eat mice. I don’t think I could. Unless it was chocolate. Can I eat some chocolate?

Duration of Stay:  Approx 30+ mins. We would’ve stayed longer if we were getting refreshments or if the kids had wished to hold an owl.

Zeus the Eurasian Eagle Owl
Above: Zeus the Eurasian Eagle Owl

Phantom the Barn Owl
Above: Phantom the Barn Owl

Fern the Asian Brown Wood Owl
Above: Fern the Asian Brown Wood Owl

Dusk the Black Barn Owl
Above:Dusk the Black Barn Owl

Arctic the Snowy Owl
Above: Arctic the Snowy Owl.

Want more photos of Happisburgh Owls? Visit our Facebook page.

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