Wymondham Dickensian Steampunk Fayre

Over the years the Wymondham Christmas Fayre’s format has shifted away from the traditional Dickensian theme. This year the Steampunk element was a blast from the past with a futuristic twist.

My daughter and I really got into the spirit of dressing up, planning our outfits for weeks, raiding the many local charity shops for things to ‘upcycle’.

The day kicked off with some street busking in the market place and there were lots of interesting stalls with locally produced merchandise on sale. The stalls included lots of Steampunk related jewellery and artefacts as well as some welcome hot food.There were children’s craft activities in the library and in the market place. Some of the shops also put on games and competitions and served mince pies and mulled wine.

There were some fabulously eccentric street entertainers, we particularly enjoyed the time traveller on stilts and the fire juggler. There were also a trio by the name of The Foolhardy Steampunkers who invited folk to listen to their rather large brain which they wheeled about in a pram, as you do! The entertainment on stage consisted of local school’s choirs and an adult Rock Choir who sang carols.

Buttons from the Theatre Royal’s Cinderella panto turned on the lights. Santa emerged somewhat randomly from a decorated portaloo and settled into his grotto under the ancient market cross.

My daughter who is ten said her favourite part about the fayre was dressing up. She would definitely like to go again as it was fun. Lets see what next year’s fayre will bring, it is very hard to please everyone and I know that lots of people did not appreciate the theme this year. My daughter and I really enjoyed it and would love to go again next year whatever happens.

Steampunk street artist


Steampunk street artist


  1. There seem to be no images for the 2014 Steampunk Fair. Why?

  2. Hi Judi – thanks for your comment. Unfortunately we were unable to attend this year, however, we are making some enquiries so we can some pictures for you. From what we have heard, this years’ event was really good and we’re looking forward to seeing the pictures too! :o)

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