Congo Rapids Adventure Golf

Crazy Golf near Norwich? Sure, go for it!

In Norfolk there are several Crazy Golf places located in coastal locations and I guess it was a bit of a surprise that there wasn’t one near to Norwich. That is, until recently. Here’s our review of Congo Rapids Adventure Golf, which is located near the Norfolk Showground. Pictures are towards the end of this post.

Parent’s Review

It was a lovely sunny Sunday in early February and the kids were bouncing around the house like bunnies – we all needed to get out the house, get some fresh air and let them burn off some energy. Normally, allowing the boys access to metal sticks is not wise as anything that can be used as a  lightsabre will indeed be utilised in this way. But for once this desire did not take them; They were keen to play some golf.

To access Congo Rapids Adventure Golf we walked past the driving range, which, of course the kids wanted to have a go on too!

The course had only been open a week or so before we arrived, so there was a bit of landscaping to be done but the golf-playing area was great. Great as in “great fun!” The African theme backdrop at Congo Rapids Adventure Golf really adds to the fun of playing crazy golf and on a hot sunny day I bet a child’s  imagination could transport them to the savannah grasslands.

The kids often ask to go back (and we do), though not as often as they would like as it’s not cheap. My eldest son enjoys it so much he’s now got his own clubs and is having golf lessons too!

Kids Review 

Luke (10)  – This is crazy golf but in a crazy zoo! I think they’ve given it a really cool look and it made it even more fun to play. I think I won (nope. I  did….comfortably! -Dad) because I was playing the angles superbly. I did have a couple of re-starts (only a couple?!) but that’s because they were practice goes. I really like golf now and I’ve had one lesson so I can definitely beat Dad at proper golf too. Oooh ooooh, there was one more thing I wanted to say. Why are monkeys so good at golf? Because they practice their swing! (He’s available for weddings, christenings, bar miztvahs…..)

Ben (6)  – The ball is smaller than I’m used to, but I can still dribble with it. Dad couldn’t tell me and footballers who are good at golf (have I mentioned he’s football mad rather than golf crazy?) but I bet Joe Hart is. (After more footy talk we re-focus on golf….). The crazy golf was funny. There was lots of animals everywhere and I really liked when we had to pull a raft to get to the other side. The grass was like short astroturf (is that a football reference?) and one of the golf holes had a monkey faces on the grass and the flag was sticking out of his nose! That was funny! Can’t believe I won on my first go. (hmmm. I find that hard to believe too!)

Field Notes: 

Keep an eye on little ones as there are a couple of water hazards (just like real golf!)

As this is right next to the Family Golf centre you’ll be pleased to know there is a bar/restaurant

Make you’re visit longer by sharing a bucket of golf balls on the driving range. Clubs can be borrowed – ask at the bar.

Duration of Visit:  Allow for about one hour (longer for a go on the driving range and a drink at the bar).

Here’s some pictures from our trip to Congo Rapids Adventure Golf.

Congo Rapids Golf Congo Rapids Golf congogolf4 Congo Rapids Golf Congo Rapids Golf Congo Rapids Golf Congo Rapids Golf

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