Quasar Elite – Norwich

Located close to the centre of Norwich, there has been a laser adventure zone located at the site of Quasar Elite since the early 1990s.

Parents Birthday Party Review

It’s your kids birthday and they’ve grown out of going to indoor play areas, so what can you do? Laser games are certainly worth considering. Kids can play in the laser arena, hunting their friends and zapping them with laser blasters and working together in their teams.

Our kids have been to a few parties at Quasar Elite for 8/9 year olds (as hosts and as guests). All kids at the party absolutely loved it! Imagine a room with up to 15 kids all pumped up and excited about running around and shooting each other – yeah, the noise. Oh man, the sheer noise!

Let loose in the arena the boys and girls quickly get the hang of the game. Walking around unarmed is pretty terrifying! Little snipers hiding around every corner, kids ignoring the no-run policy waiving heavy laser blasters as their friends/foes merrily zap them.

After the first game ends the kids empty out, for food (depending on what arrangements you have made with the venue). The noise of kids is more subdued as they recharge their energy levels and debate which team was best and who has the best individual score.

And then battle recommences! Second time around I watch from the safety of the door way or from the observation window. (The latter is quieter!)

Sadly we couldn’t get any decent photos in-side the arena – just blackness with blurry lights due to only having a mobile phone camera on me at the time.

Field Notes

Parking – definitely worth thinking about before hand! There is one space on the path outside Quasar Elite, and you should be okay to stop outside for a moment to drop-off.  Planning to get there early to hunt around for street spaces, or parking at Chapelfield would be a good idea.

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